Call for Papers

57th IMCL Conference on

From Sprawl to Neighborhoods: Livable Cities (and Suburbs) for ALL

The Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel, IN

June 2-6, 2020

Call for Papers

We hope you will join us for our 2020 conference in the showcase of suburban revitalization, Carmel, Indiana! This will be an important gathering for peer-to-peer exchange of research, new ideas, and inspiring examples from international participants. Carmel is readily accessible from the hub airport of Indianapolis (35 minutes from the airport). We hope you will consider presenting your research or case study results to an audience of your peers. 

If you wish to present a paper, please submit a 250 word abstract for consideration by the new deadline, Friday, January 31, 2020. Please submit online.  The topics and link are given below.

Proposals are peer reviewed and selected for presentation at the conference. Written papers are requested from all presenters (except Pecha Kucha), and must be submitted by those presenters wishing to be considered for publication by IMCL. Final papers are peer reviewed and selected for publication in the conference proceedings, the eConference.

Please prepare proposals for blind peer review. The personal information is required but will not be circulated to reviewers. In the abstract box, please include paper title and abstract (200-250 words), but do not include any personal information.

Please be aware that the Program Committee will select presentations for one of the following categories:

  1. Full presentations. Peer reviewed. 20 minute PPT presentation, plus 10 minute Q&A. Written papers are requested (see above).
  2. Short presentations. Peer reviewed. 15 minute PPT presentation. General   session. Written papers are requested (see above).
  3. Poster presentations. Intended for graduate students and junior presenters. Presented as a poster in a general Poster Session. Written papers are requested (see above).
  4. The Program Committee also invites proposals for Pecha Kucha presentations – 20 slides automatically advanced every 20 seconds. This is only suitable for presenting a simple idea, challenging argument, or entertaining spoof. The topic must be relevant. If you wish to propose a PK presentation please specify this at the top, and list 20 short sentences to identify the line of your presentation. Papers are not requested.

Notification will be sent within 6 weeks of submission. Papers must be presented in person at the conference, and thus presenters must register for the conference at the special presenter's rate (or Junior presenters rate for graduate students). Deadline for paper proposals is January 31, 2020. Final accepted papers are due April 2020. They will be published in the digital conference proceedings. For questions, contact us.


Reshaping Suburban Sprawl

  • Reshaping the mall into a town center
  • Transforming strip malls into urban fabric
  • Schools as neighborhood centers
  • Climate adaptation in the suburbs

A Livable City for ALL

  • Prioritizing planning for elders, kids, low-income & marginalized communities 
  • Inclusionary planning for socio-economic neighborhood diversity
  • Intergenerational place-based and ethnic communities
  • Enhancing resilience, cooperation and social capital

The Healthy City

  • Promoting health equity throughout the city
  • Minimizing commuting: prioritizing pedestrian, bike and transit
  • Access to community social life
  • Access to nature, clean air and water, healthy food
  • Designing high density, human scale, mixed use urban fabric

Healthy Transportation Planning

  • Urban pedestrian networks, bicycle planning, buffered bikeways
  • Complete streets, green streets, greening urban arterials
  • Improving transit services for all, especially poorer neighborhoods 

Public Health and Planning Collaboration

  • Integrating public health and planning in city government and education
  • How the built and/or natural environment affects health and human DNA
  • Health impact assessment, neighborhood health inventories, healthy planning guidelines

Access to Nature

  • Neighborhood parks and green spaces, urban agriculture
  • Promoting the urban forest: incidental nature: streets, walls, roofs
  • Restoring urban watercourses/streams/rivers

Public Places for Social Life

  • Hospitable streets
  • Multi-functional city and neighborhood squares

Healthy Urban Fabric for 10-Minute neighborhoods

  • Achieving fine-grained vertical mixed-use, human scale urban fabric
  • Sustainability problems of horizontal and vertical sprawl
  • Form-based codes, urban design guidelines

Sustainable, Equitable Housing

  •  Inclusionary housing, shared equity, and land trusts
  •  Designing affordable family housing in the city
  • Designs for mixed-income housing

Ending homelessness

  • Housing, services and jobs for homeless persons
  • Integrated strategies to combat poverty
  • Combatting the commodification of cities

Combatting inequitable gentrification

  • Regenerating poor neighborhoods and brownfields
  • Stabilizing housing and job security for existing populations
  • Healthy sustainable urban growth strategies

Strengthening ethnic and cultural diversity

  • Protecting communities of color
  • Social and physical landmarks
  • Places for traditional and new events

Reducing Negative Health Impacts

  • Fighting climate change by healthy urban design
  • Strategies to improve air and water quality
  • Reducing urban heat islands, light pollution, urban noise 

Community Participation

  • Civic engagement in planning, place-making, regeneration
  • Children and youth help improve their neighborhood
  • Community-led public space improvements

Architecture for a Healthy City

  • Street facades, scale and fractals
  • Architecture and the public realm
  • Urban design to create community

Maintaining a City’s Identity

  • Cultural patrimony: foundation for a habitable city
  • Generating love for the city and neighborhood
  • Strengthening the city’s architectural DNA

International Collaboration: Implementing the "New Urban Agenda"

  • The New Urban Agenda as embodiment of IMCL goals
  • Tools and strategies to share internationally 
  • New challenges with rapid urbanization, slums and informal settlements, poverty, opportunity and capacity
  • Learning from each other: the role of the USA and Europe as collaborators and (better) role models


Call for Papers Form