Call for Papers: A Healthy City for ALL

The 56thIMCL Conference on “A Healthy City for ALL” will take place at the Sentinel Hotel, Portland, OR, June 17-21, 2019.

If you wish to give a presentation, please submit a 250 word abstract for consideration before October 15, 2018.  Please submit online here

Topics include:

The Healthy City **  The City for ALL  ** Healthy Transportation Planning **  Public Health and Planning Collaborate  **  Access to Nature  ** Public Places for Social Life **  Healthy Urban Fabric for 10-Minute Neighborhoods  **  Sustainable, Equitable Housing  ** Ending Homelessness  **  Combatting Inequitable Gentrification  ** Strengthening Ethnic and Cultural Diversity  ** Reducing Negative Health Impacts **  Community Participation  ** Transforming Suburbs into Walkable Neighborhoods  ** Architecture for a Healthy City **  Maintaining a City’s Identity ** and more…

Proposals are peer reviewed. The Program Committee will select presentations for one of the following categories: Full presentations; Short presentations; Poster presentations; and Pecha Kucha presentations.